Fiscalist Job
Fiscalist Placement Agency

Browse Through Our Jobs Offers in Fiscality

Browse through fiscal jobs available with our placement agency. We have many recruitment requests and jobs to fill in the fiscal field in major cities of Quebec!

Fiscalists Jobs

What Is a Fiscalist?

A fiscalist is an expert in tax law. He helps companies, organizations or entrepreneurs/individuals to navigate the various laws in effect to reduce their tax burden, all obviously in compliance with all the laws that govern the company or the individual.

In a nutshell, a fiscalist is a tax expert. They work with accountants and business managers to develop an optimal tax strategy to avoid, reduce or defer taxes and reduce the tax burden. Every business will eventually need to hire accounting and tax experts: hiring a fiscalist should not be seen as an expense, but rather as a way to reduce the tax burden.

What is an accountant fiscalist?

An accountant fiscalist is a professional who has expertise in both accounting and tax-related matters. An accountant fiscalist typically has a strong background in accounting and financial management, as well as specialized knowledge of tax laws and regulations.

The role of an accountant fiscalist may involve a variety of tasks related to tax planning, compliance, and reporting. They may assist clients with developing tax strategies, preparing tax returns, and ensuring compliance with tax laws and regulations. They may also provide advice on tax-related matters such as deductions, credits, and other tax planning opportunities.

What Is the Purpose of a Fiscalist?

The role of a tax specialist is to create a tax strategy for a company, whether it is a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) or a large corporation. The goal of a tax strategy is very simple: to reduce, avoid or defer taxes for a company or an individual in a legal manner.

Taxes are a major expense for any company and have a significant opportunity cost. If we are presented with the option of paying taxes or investing the same amount in our business growth and projects, the choice is simple. And, as we all know, a dollar today is worth more than a dollar in 10 years! This is why working with a fiscalist is very beneficial for companies or entrepreneurs.

What is the typical career path of a fiscalist?

As a professional who specializes in tax law, tax planning, and compliance, a fiscalist can have a typical career path. It can vary depending on their educational background, professional experience, and personal interests.

Here are some common steps that a fiscalist might take in their career path:

Most fiscalists start their career by obtaining a degree in accounting, finance, or tax law. Many also go on to earn a master’s degree in taxation or a related field.

After completing their education, fiscalists often start their careers in entry-level positions at accounting or consulting firms, government agencies, or private companies. These positions typically involve assisting with tax preparation, compliance, and planning.

After gaining some experience, fiscalists may move into mid-level positions such as tax manager, tax analyst, or tax accountant. These positions typically involve managing tax compliance, developing tax strategies, and advising clients on tax-related matters.

As fiscalists gain more experience and expertise, they may move into senior-level positions such as tax director, tax partner, or chief financial officer. These positions involve managing a team of fiscalists, developing tax policies, and overseeing the overall financial strategy of an organization.

Some fiscalists may choose to start their own consulting firm or work as independent consultants. This allows them to provide tax advice and planning services to a variety of clients.

Throughout their career, fiscalists must stay up-to-date with changes in tax laws and regulations. This may involve taking continuing education courses or attending seminars and conferences.

Fiscalists can specialize in various fields. There are accounting tax specialists, international tax specialists, compliance tax specialists, corporate reorganization tax specialists and many more. Their tasks and goals may vary, but we usually find the following tasks:

  • Participate in the development of tax planning strategies;
  • Work with their clients to uncover relevant and interesting tax-related ideas;
  • Accompany clients in their business projects;
  • Ensure compliance with tax laws governing the business or individual;
  • Keeping up to date with tax law changes;
  • Ensure the growth of the company;

Fiscalists and accountants both work in the field of finance, but they have different areas of focus and responsibilities. Here are some key differences between fiscalists and accountants:


Fiscalists specialize in tax law, tax planning, and compliance. They help individuals and organizations navigate complex tax laws and regulations, develop tax strategies, and ensure compliance with tax laws.

Accountants, on the other hand, focus on the financial operations and accounting systems of a business or organization, including bookkeeping, financial reporting, and financial analysis.


While both fiscalists and accountants typically have degrees in accounting or a related field, fiscalists often have additional training in tax law and tax planning.

Many fiscalists have a master’s degree in taxation or a related field, while accountants may have a master’s degree in accounting or a related field.


In Canada, fiscalists may hold certifications such as Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) or Enrolled Agent (EA), which allow them to represent clients before the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

In Quebec, fiscalists may hold certifications such as CPA, Chartered Accountant (CA), or Certified General Accountant (CGA), which allow them to represent clients before Revenu Québec.

Accountants in Canada may also hold the CPA certification, as well as other certifications such as Certified Management Accountant (CMA) or Certified Financial Planner (CFP). In Quebec, accountants may hold certifications such as CPA, CA, CGA, or Comptable professionnel agréé (CPA).

Job responsibilities

Fiscalists typically work on tax-related matters such as tax planning, compliance, and representation before tax authorities.

Accountants, on the other hand, may be responsible for tasks such as preparing financial statements, managing budgets, and analyzing financial data.

Fiscality is a highly specialized field where a university education in accounting is essential to day-to-day work. The best candidates for jobs in fiscality have a background in accounting and several years of experience in the tax field.

Qualities such as written and oral communication as well as thoroughness and organization are also important for an application since the fiscalist will be called upon to work on various projects. Since Quebec is a bilingual province, a good knowledge of both official languages is also a major asset when recruiting!

What Is Required of a Fiscalist Candidate?

Over the years, Spartanium has developed an expertise in recruiting fiscalists and has successfully placed dozens of candidates in fiscal positions. The job requirements are usually: 

  • A bachelor’s degree in accounting;
  • A Master’s degree or a DESS in taxation;
  • Accounting designation is an asset;
  • In-depth knowledge of Canadian and Quebec taxation;
  • A good knowledge of spoken and written English;
  • Relevant experience in the field;
  • Demonstrate rigor and autonomy;
  • Excellent command of office automation tools and accounting software;

Which Companies Recruit Fiscalists?

Any business or entrepreneur who files taxes can benefit from the expertise of a tax specialist to reduce their tax burden and maximize their growth. Very large companies may have their own tax department, but Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) often deal with specialized firms.

Examples of companies that hire tax specialists are accounting firms such as Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton, Deloitte, Ernst & Young (EY), Price Waterhouse Cooper (PWC) and Malette. Several Quebec SMEs have also developed expertise in the tax and accounting field, and hire dozens of tax specialists across the province! Find interesting job offers and executive positions in sought-after companies with Spartanium recruitment agency!

What Is the Salary of a Tax Expert?

The salary offered for a fiscalist job in Canada is above the national average. Glassdoor places the average base salary for fiscalists in Canada at CAD 83,500. Salaries vary depending on the position offered and years of experience: entry-level positions start at 45,000 CAD per year while executives and employees with years of experience can command salaries of 127,000 CAD.

How to Stand Out as a Candidate in Fiscality?

The best tax candidates can stand out from their peers in several ways, particularly in Quebec. First, the level of education of candidates has a direct impact on their knowledge and skills. Aspiring tax professionals with a bachelor’s degree in accounting, a master’s degree in taxation, a DESS in taxation or an accounting designation increase their chances of landing their dream job. Candidates with several years of experience in the tax or accounting field are also preferred for senior management positions.

A good knowledge of the province’s two official languages is also important for a successful application! A tax specialist is called upon to communicate with various clients both in writing and verbally, so a good command of the language is important.